Flip the Page

Ep 11 | Somebody's Wife: Colorism in Romance... Shall We Discuss?

Zo Season 1 Episode 11
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00:00 | 12:30

Welcome back to Flip the Page. We're back with episode 11 of the pod, talking about Robbie Renee's 'Somebody's Wife', and y'all.. this is not what I want... this is not what I planned. I was so ready to get elbows deep in a good ole cheating trope, yet here we are instead, discussing colorism in literature...

Somebody's Wife centers around Dr. Jemma Holiday, a well-respected Black woman at her university. Jemma is married to her university sweetheart, Quinton. When they were younger, they were well-known in their school, Quinton being a top track athlete and Jemma coming from a well-respected legacy family. After they got together, Jemma became pregnant while in school. They kept the child and stayed together, with both sets of parents helping raise their daughter while they finished college. They got married and were very much in love for a few years, both currently employed in high positions at their alma mater. That is, until the sparks fizzled out, leaving Jemma stuck in an unloving marriage with a man who constantly cheated on her. When she meets Dr. Ezekiel Green, it’s love at first sight as passion erupts between the two. Suddenly, Jemma finds herself debating whether staying true to her marriage to maintain a facade of a happy marriage for their extended family and careers is worth it.

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