Flip the Page

Ep 7 | They All Fall Down: My LEAST Favorite Mystery Book Subgenre

Zo Season 1 Episode 7
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00:00 | 31:46

Welcome back to episode 7 of Flip the Page!

In today's episode, I'll be diving into one of my least favorite mystery book genres in Rachel Howzell Hall's, "They All Fall Down".

Miriam Macy sails off with six strangers to a private island off the coast of Mexico, believing she’s about to partake in a reality competition show, in a remote island paradise, with a hefty monetary prize set for the winner to take home. It isn’t long, however, before she realizes she, and the others on the island were played. When people start dropping like flies, Miriam realizes the game she was brought onto this island to play, is a lethal one. With each person harboring dark secrets and suspicion running rampant on the remote island, Miriam can only trust herself as she works to uncover who on the island is behind these murders, before she is the next one to drop.

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